FTDI Serial Troubleshooting

Windows Serial Driver Adapter


MacOS Serial Driver Adapter


To Check and see if your adapter is installed:

1. Open Device Manager
    • Windows XP & 7:
      1. Click on Start
      2. Then Right-Click on “My Computer” (This is just called “Computer” in Windows 7)
      3. Left-Click on “Manage”
      4. Device Manager is in the left Window, under System Tools.
      5. Configure your software COM Port Settings to the appropriate COM Port to allow data communications
Windows XP & 7 How to Video

* The video shows that the item has been installed, is working properly, and is displayed as a USB Serial Port COM3.
* COM Port number can vary depending on your system.

    • Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10:
      1. Right-Click on the Start logo.
      2. Left-click on Device Manager.
      3. Configure your software COM Port Settings to the appropriate COM Port to allow data communications
    Windows 10 How to Video

    * The video shows that the item has been installed, is working properly, and is displayed as a USB Serial Port COM3.
    * COM Port number can vary depending on your system.

    Still Having Issues?

    Under some circumstances it may be necessary to completely uninstall and reinstall the FTDI drivers from a system. If so, try the guide below.

    FTDI Driver Cleaning and Reinstall

    1. Download the CDM Uninstaller HERE.
    2. Extract the zip file, or open the “CDMuninstallerGUI.exe” utility.
    3. Leave the ‘Vendor ID’ set to 0403 and ‘Product ID’ set to 6001.
    4. Click Add.
    5. Click Remove Devices.
    6. Download the corresponding driver for your operating system and follow on-screen prompts. Windows Driver | MacOS Driver
    Uninstall How to Video


    Changing Your Device’s COM Port

    1. Click on Start and navigate to the Control Panel.
    2. Locate and click on Device Manager.
    3. Under “Ports (COM & LPT)” you will find your serial device titled “USB Serial Port” along with its current COM Port.
    4. Right click on “USB Serial Port” and click on Properties.
    5. Navigate to the “Port Settings” tab and click on “Advanced…”
    6. Once there, the “COM Port Number:” can be changed with a dropdown menu to select the port number.
    7. Click your desired port number (i.e. COM2) and click “OK”.
    8. Click “OK” once more.
    9. Your serial device is now assigned to your chosen COM Port.
    Change Your Device’s COM Port How to Video
